
Albert Néel - Peintre


A modern figurative painter, Albert Néel is a multi-talented artist: posters, theatre sets, films on art, poetry...


In 1982, Albert Néel began to devote himself to his art, and it was in 1969 that his works were first presented to the public. The three words suggested by Albert Néel to situate his work are light, life and balance. His other artistic activities include marquetry, sculpture, posters, theater sets, frescoes, stained glass, illustration and poetry.... He has been awarded the Grand Prix Jean-Luc Defait (Bordeaux), the International Trophée du Dieu Pan (Florence), the Grand Prix International Albert Durer (Monaco) and the Grand Prix International Léonard de Vinci (Rome).


Free access.

Opening period

All year round, daily.


I'm going
Albert Néel - Peintre 18 rue Emile Rivoire 42140 Chazelles-sur-Lyon 04 77 54 32 61