The Forez region is inspirational to writers. It was central to L’Astrée, the “novel of novels”, written in the 17th century by Honoré d’Urfé. This author lived in the Renaissance Chateau of Bâtie d’Urfé, with its gardens for day dreaming. For a complete immersion into the novel, take the “Chemins de l’Astrée” path along the River Lignon, and pause at the Priory of Montverdun, at the Château de Goutelas, and at the educational ponds at the Réserve de Biterne and the Ecopôle du Forez.


L’Astrée’s iconic locations can be visited in real life: the magnificent Bâtie d’Urfé, the peaceful Priory of Montverdun, and the lively Château de Goutelas.


L’Astrée is above all about nature’s charms, which can be admired in the Jardins de la Bâties and the ponds of the Réserve de Biterne.


Astrée, Céladon, Diane and the other characters, will walk with us on the paths, along the River Lignon and beyond…

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