“See you in Forez”

Why a brand?

To give us the means to shine in the tourist landscape! In order to establish the territory as a tourist destination of choice within
of the region, it is necessary to create a gateway that is easily recognizable and, above all, attractive to our audiences.

To bring together all tourism stakeholders under a common banner! By developing a modern and dynamic brand universe, Rendez-vous en Forez wishes to strengthen the sense of pride of tourism players so that we can all promote our territory together.


Created by Loire Forez Tourisme and Forez-Est Tourisme

The 2 tourist offices have worked hand in hand to develop a common tourist brand, which benefits the territory as a whole. Because we are convinced of it: the emergence of a shared attractiveness strategy can only be beneficial for all players.

It is by pooling our efforts that we will be able to take account of the assets of the territory in all their diversity and fully promote our destination.

Brand anatomy

“Rendez-vous en Forez” a name that evokes encounters and discoveries.

A distinctive sign: the “-ez” to create frank and enthusiastic invitations!

Values to share: contact, harmony, attention.

But also colors, words, a tone… which echo the identity of Forez and make us unique!

A promise to appeal to our audiences:
“So close to home, so far from your daily life”.