
Adventure games "Liberty and the toy factories".


Follow Liberty who holds the secret of toy making. Play and investigate with your family around an incredible legend and fantastic characters: a treasure hunt in the middle of nature, challenges and an amazing endgame!


There is a village in the world, which holds the secret of making toys...
Here live 1000 musical hedgehogs, 4 children and a dog. They are champions at marbles, which they collect in big yellow nets, but why? An ideal adventure for 4-12 year olds.

Complementary welcome

The adventure-game offers a group of siblings of different ages games adapted to the abilities of each of the children and parents... It allows parents, grandparents and children to recreate a bond while having fun with a hidden heritage and an amazing nature as a playground. The route does not exceed 2 km and is accessible all year round.


  • Parking nearby
  • Pedestrian sports
  • Recreational activities
  • Hide and seek/treasure hunt


  • Pets welcome


One price: 13 €.

Opening period

All year round.

Type of clientele

  • Children


I'm going


Adventure games "Liberty and the toy factories". Place de la Mairie 42220 Saint-Julien-Molin-Molette 04 77 39 63 49